Will Right Living Promote a Healthy Life

It has been suggested that righteousness can lead to the praise of a nation but sin or evil acts is a reproach to any people. Looking at that statement could suggest that righteousness is the opposite of sin. Could thinking in-pure thoughts on a regular basis do damage, and by the same token could thinking pure thoughts lead to a healthier life. Consider how you feel after you have experienced a time of anger, has the time of anger caused any damage to your body or mind? Can lustful thoughts over a prolonged period of time do damage to the mind? If we consider that when a person smokes cigarettes over a long period of time may lead to illness. So if a person has lustful thoughts over a long period of time, could harm or damage be done to the mind or to the body?

Effects of Stress

There have been research conducted regarding stress which have associated stress with illness, this could point to the idea that some illnesses may be in fact caused my stress. If this is true then if you had less stress could mean that you could reduce your chances of being ill. Also could stress be linked to the things that you are thinking about. For example there was a story about a man who used the money of the company that he worked for with out their permission. He lost the money and was in a hotel, he was heard to say the shame is going to kill me. If fact in 3 days the man was dead. Could the thoughts that you have affect your life?

Do healthy Good Thoughts improve life

If we say that thinking stressful thoughts on a regular basis could lead to illness. Then this could suggest that thinking less stressful thoughts could lead to better health. A question that could be asked is could corrupt thoughts lead to illness, and could pure wholesome thoughts improve the health? One writer suggested that it is good to have a time of laughter on a regular basis could help to keep the mind and body healthy. There was a story told by a lady who said that she recovered from cancer by watching funny films and she did not use any other therapy. So could it be the case that right thinking could help in keeping the body healthy.

Avoiding the need to Worry

Would it be useful to arrange your life in such a way so that you could avoid unnecessary worrying. For example instead of buying an expensive car that would mean you would have to work 20 hours a day to pay for it. Could it be less stress to buy a car that you can pay for without working any extra time. Is it the case that most of the problems that are caused in you life are due to decisions that you take? There is a principle of “Cause and Effect” that indicates that the things that you do now will have an effect on the things that happen in your life. If this is true then this can mean that we could avoid some of the problems that occur in life by making better choices.

Does right thinking improve life

It was found that it takes 30 days to develop a new habit. If this is the case could it be possible to develop the habit of right thinking by practicing this for 30 days. And would you get vast benefits if you were to develop the habit of right thinking? Also what does right thinking mean to you, and what would developing better right thinking mean to you?

MGA Brown (c) October 2011

MGA Brown is the Author of “Thoughts To Make You Think”

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