How to Study New Age Ideas

There are a number of concepts that are associated with the term New Age. Some of the terms you may here are terms such as the Law of Attraction and the Subconscious and Objective mind, to name just a few. So with so many new ideas and concepts how can you begin to understand these terms and concepts? One of the key ways could be to gain an understanding of Universal Laws. We will be looking at Universal laws and principles and how you can benefit from them when you are in alignment with them.

Law of Attraction and Universal Principles.

If we wanted to fly we would need to appreciate the fact that the Law of Gravity would be acting in certain ways, for example the pull of gravity would be acting to pull things towards the earth. So it would be necessary to understand gravity and its effects in order to be able to fly. You would need to understand a number of other laws associated with flight, and learn how to use these laws and principles to assist you. So in the same way understanding the “Law of Attraction” will allow you to gain benefits in your life.

There have been a number of different writers that have spoken about the Law of Attraction these include George W Plummer. In general the Law of attraction has been stated as what ever you think about with strong feelings you will attract to yourself. This idea has been also discussed in films like “The Secret”, where it shows people thinking about things that they desire which manifest. This idea would appear to be incomplete and it appears that a number of other laws and principles also need to be adhered to in order for it to work. Mr Plummer talks about the Law of attraction in terms of poles which can attract or repel. He suggest that Mental thought could be a positive pole which is attracted to material things which is the negative pole.

What are the other Laws and Principles that Attract good things to Your Life?

There has been text from unknown writers which looks at seven principles, these are called great principles. These are known as the following:-

1. The whole Universe is mental, based on the idea that the universe has been created by a universal mind. The idea is taken a step further and suggest that we also create our lives by mind. This seems credible due to the fact in order for you to create any thing, you need to start from a thought in your mind. One writer who goes against the idea that “All is Mind” is Christian D Larson. He tends to suggest that things are both mind and also matter.

2. The principle of “Correspondence”, this is based around the phrase of “As above, so below, as below, so above”. This seems to give an impression that the things that happen on the earth are directly related to things that happen in a heaven. Also the reverse, things that happen in a heaven also happen on earth.

3. Vibration, this is the idea that everything is in a constant state of vibration. This may be seen in the idea that at an atomic level electrons are constantly in a state of vibration. It is also suggested that people who die go to a higher vibration, and people who are alive are at a lower vibration. It is suggested that a creator or God is at the highest state of vibration.

4. Principle of Polarity, this is the idea that everything could be at different poles, for example heat is at the opposite pole of cold. Likewise light is at the opposite pole of darkness. It is suggested that all things tend to be at opposite poles.

5. The principle of “Rhythm”, this seems to be the idea that everything happens in rhythmic pattens, for example summer leads to winter and continues in this cycle. Another example is day leads to the night and then back to the day. The idea of mood swings could be related the principle of rhythm, but it has been said that people could in fact polarize themselves to the positive mood, hence avoiding the negative swing.


It would appear that to study new age ideas could benefit from understanding these and other principles. In part two of this series we will look at a number of other principles and laws that could lead to getting more out of life. And we will look deeper at ways of studying New Age Ideas. We will also be looking at the idea of the Objective and Subconscious mind.

M G A Brown (c) Sept 2011

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